This blog will serve as a summary repository for all the books I have read till date. More than anything else, it will act as a means to relive the experience of going over old books/friends !

For every book I read, I feel , I should do atleast some justice to it by posting my review/summary.

6 Responses to “Purpose”

  1. Ron Says:

    WOW! I happened upon your review of some Python books and then read other of your reviews. Love your comments on several different reviews. I’m determined to learn Python and have struggled to understand the purpose of “self” in classes/functions. I also love literature, libraries, even the smell of libraries. I had a great time reading on this blog. Thanks selfisrisky!

  2. Arlene Says:

    Thanks so much, it helped me a lot to finish my thesis, specially this one: An Introduction to State Space Time Series Analysis Summary.

  3. C Brown Says:

    Just found your blog this morning, and have spent the whole day here.
    Very impressive and helpful.

  4. Anil Bajpai Says:

    Superb. Any real life intro?

  5. Pankaj Joshi Says:

    Super awesome. You Sir have done a great job.

    Is it possible to have a list of all the books you have reviewed on one page?

  6. Remek Says:

    Please continue what you are doing, yout work is magnificent.

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